Sunday, March 20, 2016

It all began with a storm and I was catapulted right into it. The storm was beautiful, loving and impeccably particular in inflicting the optimal pain onto me. Did I then realise how it imperceptibly embraced me eventually becoming a part of my being? 

Did I agree to continue to be known with reference to that storm or as one who could tame it with poise and characteristic blitheness?

mind please...

Often the mortals read words emanating from mind as ones from the heart. Mind assumes the colour of its surround whereas heart illumines whatever it shines one. Heart can never step into dark. Mind can. Mind does. Mind plays.

But mind yields when this awareness steps in - asking to let heart subdue mind.

GOPESWAR PAUL…Bengal’s Donatello

It wasn’t perchance that the front of G. Paul’s studio appeared on the expansive cover of Raghu Rai’s INDIA – Reflections in Black & W...