Saturday, September 20, 2014

unreason...accident or the path!

The heretic streaks in my bearing were agreeably threatening to my parents though they did all to let my growing be as untrammelled as possible. 'Unreason' was essentially one of those shining words that I tripped on along this rebellious journey. 

Being and remaining part of a race hounded by an unfounded zeal to find reason behind everything was tiring beyond a point. 

I stepped out one day. I escaped the eventual stampede. 

Only dropping the reason can let us join the continuum. Reasons have a longevity. Unreason allows immortality...the ability to outlive reason.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bonsaied...more or less!

I had been inexorably obsessed with similes since before I even knew what they stood for. Perhaps I've been thus since before even similes assumed what they are today! My eminent hyperbole is directed to create an illusion of my being there since the beginning of add a brittle credibility to my way of perceiving the world and beyond...something that may crumble to any semblance of hostility!

The business of shuttling between an ever-fledgling core, path to a formless destination (if at all any) and the surround leaves me with an annoying feeling of a 'Bonsai'ed give off the impression of a mature tree but in reality being meticulously dwarfed through root-pruning. I've found this celebrated Japanese art-form as much unjust as in denial of life. So likening inner state to the muted Bonasai'ed plant was but convenient...effortless.

We grow yet ask our thoughts to remain unaging...fossilised...stalled...Bonsaied!

GOPESWAR PAUL…Bengal’s Donatello

It wasn’t perchance that the front of G. Paul’s studio appeared on the expansive cover of Raghu Rai’s INDIA – Reflections in Black & W...