Friday, September 9, 2016

First you turn a page and then the page turns you.That tipping point may appear on 43rd page or somewhere around 17th...or just anytime!

Every book I cast my eyes on tries my preparedness for surprises [or the lack of it] and often smiles back with cunning antipathy. Some unflinching trust in not choosing and being chosen by a book keeps me moving...and eventually find the defining page or word to justify my effort...I move on smiling! 

Suddenly flipping pages becomes 'reading the Book'...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

There are mornings...and then comes 'The Morning'...beginning way before the night ends with unmitigated anticipations unfurling wings to soar to unexampled heights...the morning yields to day though the mood stays on...indefinitely!

GOPESWAR PAUL…Bengal’s Donatello

It wasn’t perchance that the front of G. Paul’s studio appeared on the expansive cover of Raghu Rai’s INDIA – Reflections in Black & W...