Sunday, June 7, 2015

managing Past...

Rather fatefully my like and dislike grew happily together. It was always like watching the order and chaos coexist and behave of their own accord. 

These cognitive patterns are largely observed when I look around. [I refrain from using 'looking back' rather responsibly and conveniently just to drive home that point. 'Looking back' turns the act so very unidirectional, predictable, corny.] And most of the 'resentful' dialogues between my nonexistent past and ubiquitous present are initiated by the past. Understandably, may not be agreeably though, as past is always sacred, raring to dispute present's validity. The wanton 'present' doesn't oblige, justly. It has only moments. It is experiential...unlike past.

Why do I need to wait for another 40 years to face myself? Why cant I die everyday to be born again? Why don't we revisit our conclusions and keep on concluding untiringly...inconclusively?

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